thoughts for the week

JPEG_20150316_180452_-914195391~2 I found a YouTube video that gave such a good illustration & I decided to share it with you lovelies.

Picture you have an ice-cream, it’s your favourite flavour, topped off with your favourite sauce & everything. The downside is that on top of it, there’s a small sprinkling of nuts. You hate nuts.

We can all relate this ice-cream illustration to something in our lives. Such great things are ahead of us, but to reach that awesome point in your day/week/life, you gotta go through some stuff you really don’t enjoy doing.

This could be anything, from having to buy groceries to giving a presentation. But you can’t focus on that. Think, on the other side of your grocery shop your house is filled with fresh food for you to cook up something delicious, or after that presentation you receive the job you’ve been hoping for.

To get to the good part, the best part of the ice-cream, you gotta eat the nuts. I know, it tastes disgusting in the moment, and you really don’t feel like eating it. But then you do, and what’s left? a flippin’ delicious chocolate-brownie ice-cream (or whatever your favourite flavour may be). After going through that horrible little patch (*cough* high school), which wasn’t that fun, in the end turned out to be worth it.


In ending off this slightly cheesy/motivation post, just know that you will conquer the “mountains” you are facing right now. Try not to ponder on them too much, but rather think about the view when you get to the top.

Be good to yourself,

xo Hannah


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video mentioned in this post:

2 thoughts on “thoughts for the week

  1. AYE you quoted Nathan!!!! This is perfect.

    I really love your instagram and Pinterest and blog 😊 you seem like a really down-to-earth, adventurous, smart, incredibly sweet girl. Yay for the Internet and virtually “meeting” cool people!!

    Again, GREAT post.

    xx Juliette

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey again Juliette! I’m so stoked that you liked the post! Thanks also for that lovely compliment! It genuinelly made my day! 🙂

      I have watched all the videos you recommended & I want to say such a big thank you!! I have subscribed to Dodie (even her vlog channel)- she is absolutely fantastic & NATHAN, oh my goodness – he is seriously on my list of top 10 YouTubers, he is so genuine and funny & unlike any YouTuber I have ever come across!

      As for the slam poetry I even showed my parents ‘an origin story’ because I thought it was so good, Phil & Sarah are just SO talented! And DAMN, Rudy’s peom was breathtaking. Honestly I teared up a little! I now see where you got your instagram bio from, the poem is incredible!

      Aaaah, such a long comment. All I wanted to say is thank you so much for introducing me to the coolest people ever.

      *virtual hugs*

      xo Hannah


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