happy father’s day

Hello & Welcome!DSC_0779[1]

Everyone thinks they have the best dad, but I know without a doubt, ,mine is the greatest. He’s my hero. My biggest support. Always loving, uplifting, kind. He has such a way with people and always makes an effort. He goes above and beyond people’s expectations. His choices are always to benefit others. He wants the best for people.

Thank you dad for building me up. Teaching and training me. Loving and holding me.. Your wise words,, knowledge about life and that comforting wink you give me when you’re proud,.are some of my favourite things about you.

I have my dad to thank for my spirit for adventure, obsession with action-thriller films, love for long & soulful conversations and constant need for coffee.

To the man with the biggest heart for God and His people. You are everything I aspire to be..

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Have the best day!

We love you dad! 

From Hannah, John-Mark, Ruth & Daniel.

the organic market

Greetings Lovelies!

Being the most indecisive human on this planet, I’ve changed my theme yet again. I’m back to the good old original one I had when starting this blog.

Here’s a quick little nugget to keep you going until tomorrow, when I’ll do my Father’s Day post. This one’s all about the organic market my mama & I took a quick trip to.

I hope you enjoy!

Cheeses. olives & sun-dried tomatoes.

Fresh produce & plants!

Bread, rolls. wraps. rusks & gingerbread men!

Cute little coffee shop & cake!

Lastly, a little iced coffee, cappuccino and cheesecake!


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed a little insight into my day!

Be good to yourself.

xo Hannah


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a life update

Hello everyone! 

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I know I promised you a post the other day & I still haven’t uploaded it! It is on its way though – I promise! [this time for real! 🍦]

The reason for my absenteeism is that I’ve been hit with conjunctivitis or pink eye as you probably know it. Since Friday last week my eye has felt irritated, sore and very sensitive.

I wemt home from school with it swollen and extremely red. That night there was an incredible event called Worship Central which happened to have the talented guest worship leader, Tim Hughes, coming to sing.

It was the perfect paradox of an evening. Brilliant because of the spectacular night of praise and worship, lead by a group of the most talented musicians. At one point they stopped all the music and we simply waited in God’s presence.

Tim felt like we, Africa, were going to find our voice and come up with a song… by the end of next might we were jiving to it. “I’ve got a joy in my heart, I’ve got a song on my lips, I’ve got a beat in my heart, I’m gonna praise you Lord!”

It started with a simple person, a not-so-brilliant voice but a powerful God who turned a room full of people into joyful, vibrant dancers.

All of this did help me forget that I even had my eye problem, of course I just had to dab my eye every 20 seconds or so, as well as keep my sunglasses on inside. Oh the frustration.

After spending Saturday and Sunday bedridden,  my mum drove me off to the ER to see if we could get anything to relieve the pain. The doctor gave me some medicine like steroids and an antibiotic – which did help with healing, but hadn’t fully made the eye perfect.

My aunt who is in the medical field happened to be passing through the city and took a look at my eye. She then gave me two different eye drops which helped clear out the horrible gunk my eye was producing, as well as reducing the light sensitivity and redness. But it still was not cured.

Today we finally went to see a specialist who did a huge test on my eyes & told me that I only have 20% vision, which is absolutely terrible! The reason my eyes hadn’t healed completely was due to the fact that I was rubbing them continously… resulting in the clear layer over my eyeball becoming severely scratched & forming little ulcers. Another reason my vision wasn’t getting totally better was because the eye drops I was taking had preservatives in it – which I’m really allergic to.

So that’s the story. I’m sorry that it wasn’t creative but it hopefully gave you an understanding to my lack of posting! We have got all the correct medication now and I’m hoping to be back at school tomorrow (crazy right?) – I am really really missing all my friends, who have all been so sweet and caring – sending the nicest messages to me. ❤️

Stay tuned, as I am going to be posting a little trip my mum and I did to the organic market soon!

Be good to yourself!

xo Hannah

a late night list of things i love

Hey Internet!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I doing away with my inner perfectionist and going to start posting real, honest and raw moments on this platform. I’ll be sharing any recent photos I’ve taken, artsy stuff I’ve done or thoughts that have been buzzing around my head, just because I love blogging regularly and want to share ideas with you guys.

Right now I’m sitting on my bed drafting a blog post which will be going live on Friday, but to keep you going till then here’s some doodles + a list of things I love.

DSC_0724[1]There’s so much beauty in the simple things in life.

Light + love .


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