cinnamon + apple snacks

Hello & Welcome!

When I  was a little girl, I loved to experiment, especially in the kitchen. I would bake muffins and mix drinks and serve them to my family, who were very gracious, as most of the time they were a flop! Nowadays I stick to recipes, as I know for sure whatever I’m making will turn out great! Although, something about me misses the creativity of coming up with a new idea that will later turn into a product, so the other day I decided to be six years old again and experiment a little!

As it is winter here, I decided to make something that was appropriate for the weather & my surroundings. My family and I were gathering around the fire, hot cups of tea in hand and I started thinking about making something that would accompany the evening nicely.

These cinnamon apple treats were the first thing that came into my head. They’re quick & easy to make, delicious and healthy!



  • Apples, peeled and cored
  • Ground cinnamon
  • Pecan nuts (optional)
  • Dark chocolate (optional)
  • Xylitol (optional)


  • Slice the cored apple into slivers (try not to make them too thin)
  • Place the apple pieces onto baking paper in a baking pan
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon (I love cinnamon, so naturally I poured more than a sprinkle)
  • Add a dash of xylitol (this is optional & I love them both with + without)
  • Break up peacan nuts and sprinkle on top
  • Chop up dark chocolate and sprinkle on top
  • Place baking dish in a pre-heated oven of 180 degrees celcius and bake for about 10 minutes.

Viola! These apples treats taste so soft & delicious and literally melt in your mouth! Be sure to tell me what you think of them!

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Be good to yourself,

xo Hannah


K e e p I n T o u c h

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mother’s day | recipe + diy

Hey there!


I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am to have a mom like I do. She’s my shoulder to cry on and pillar of strength when I am weak. She sees me at my best and my worst but loves the same. She continually puts everyone else’s needs in front of her own. Thanks for all the laughs, cries, adventures & snuggles mama bear. I love you beyond words. You are beautiful, brave and strong & the best example of a Proverbs 31 woman.

“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness”

It’s Mother’s Day (and in case you forgot I am officially your lifesaver). On the blog today I’ll be sharing a really easy recipe for pancakes + a diy-scrub for you to make for your mum. The best part is you will most likely have these ingredients lying around the house which means you can whip them up real quick if you’re in a rush to find something to give to your mama.

Let me know if you try any of these things out!

/// Pancakes



For the pancakes you will need:

1 cup self raising flour

2 tablespoons sugar

1 large egg

3/4 cup milk

3 tablespoons plain yogurt

Step 1:

Place the flour into a mixing bowl. Stir in the sugar. Make a dip in the centre.

Mix together the egg and milk.

Step 2:

Pour the milk mixture into the flour.

Add the yoghurt and stir with a rubber spatula until you have a smooth batter.

Step 3:

Melt the coconut oil / butter in a frying pan. Add about 2 spoonfuls of batter.

Cook for about 2 minutes, until bubbles appear on top of the pancake and the underneath is golden. Flip each pancake over for another minute.

Repeat with the rest of the batter. Add a little more coconut oil / butter when the pan looks dry.

Step 4:

Serve the pancakes with any topping of your choice.


My go-to topping is cinnamon, sugar & lemon, but you could try anything – banana + honey, chocolate sauce or berries + syrup.

/// DIY



For the scrub you will need:

1 cup sugar

a few drops of an essential oil of your choice – I used Neroli

sqeeze of lemon

For the bath you will need:

warm water to fill the large dish

1 sprig rosemary

remainder of lemon

flower petals

Step 1:

Place the sugar into the mixing bowl. Add a few drops of essential oil.

Step 2:

Cut your lemon in half + squeeze juice into sugar.

Step 3:

Pick the rosemary leaves off the stem + place into sugar.

Spoon mixture into your serving bowl + set aside.

Step 4:

Fill your dish up with water. Add a few drops of essential oil. Slice + place the remainder of your lemon into the water.

Pick off rosemary leaves and rose petals + place into water.

Step 5:

You’re done!

Get your mama to put her feet up + give her some pampering!


Happy Mother’s Day to every mama out there.

“We love you. It’s just sometimes we don’t know how to say it! Sometimes it just comes out screaming or crying. But the next time your kid screams, you know what they’re really saying is, ‘I love you mom. You’re beautiful.'”

– An Open Letter to Moms from Kid President


Thanks for reading! I really hoped you liked the post! I had such fun photographing, DIYing + cooking!

Special thanks to my mum’s feet + little sister Ruthie – the hands that appeared throughout the post were hers!

As always. be good to yourself.

xo Hannah