august holidays + welcoming spring

Hello & Welcome!

We are officially in September, which means that Spring has arrived in South Africa! I love each season for its own reasons, but Spring may just be my favourite!

Hannah Morgan Photography

I love that Winter has dissolved and the once lifeless trees are now blooming with blossoms & little leaves. Spring is such a pretty time. The sunshine is mellow and there’s always a cool breeze blowing through your hair. Dresses and flowy blouses are being pulled out of my wardrobe, as well as sunhats and sandals.

I always like to look back at the month that has passed, to pause and savour each moment that happened. August was exceptional! We greeted the month-long school holidays with arms wide open & embraced every morning that we got to sleep in. I took a roadtrip with family down to the Wild Coast & we had an absolute blast! It was fab to escape the hectic city life for a good two weeks. We spent every sunny day on the dunes or in ocean. We walked, swam, laughed, read, made some really really good food & listened to the endless roar of the ocean! Bliss!

Hannah Morgan Photography

The particular little village we stayed at by the sea felt miles away from the world. It seemed as though we’d entered heaven on earth. White soft beach sand between our toes, crystal clear ocean water, rockpools filled with life – little fish & crabs darting all over the place, spectacular sunrises and horses galloping across our view each morning,  afternoons spent chatting to my gramps or having knitting sessions (YUP) with my gran, dinners on the patio, walks by the lagoon at sunset & moonlit reflections on the sea at night.

August taught me that:

It’s okay to treat yourself. Outdoors is better than indoors. Walks & fresh air are good for the soul. Waking up early means you have a longer day to enjoy. We should take photographs but also live in the moment. Conversations are better than texts. We should look up more. We can learn so much from people older than us. Knitting (yes, knitting) is actually fun. It costs nothing to be friendly. Barefoot is best.

Hannah Morgan Photography

I hope this post inspired you to go out & live more. No matter how bad life feels there is always hope! Forgive yourself. Watch the sunrise. Consider each day a fresh start.

Most importantly, be good to yourself,

xo Hannah


P.S: How was your August? Leave a comment & tell me one thing that bought joy to your life last month!

Hannah Morgan Photography

I’ll start! Something that totally made my life was that I hit 500 followers on Instagram in August, which is absolutely MAD!! 🙂 ❤ If you, reading this, have followed (since the very beginning or more recently) know that I am truly grateful for your all support! I wish I could give every one of you a big squeeze!


K e e p I n T o u c h

Leave a comment down below or find me elsewhere:

Instagram || hellohannahjoy

VSCO || hannahjmorgan

Pinterest || hanzjoy

happy father’s day

Hello & Welcome!DSC_0779[1]

Everyone thinks they have the best dad, but I know without a doubt, ,mine is the greatest. He’s my hero. My biggest support. Always loving, uplifting, kind. He has such a way with people and always makes an effort. He goes above and beyond people’s expectations. His choices are always to benefit others. He wants the best for people.

Thank you dad for building me up. Teaching and training me. Loving and holding me.. Your wise words,, knowledge about life and that comforting wink you give me when you’re proud,.are some of my favourite things about you.

I have my dad to thank for my spirit for adventure, obsession with action-thriller films, love for long & soulful conversations and constant need for coffee.

To the man with the biggest heart for God and His people. You are everything I aspire to be..

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Have the best day!

We love you dad! 

From Hannah, John-Mark, Ruth & Daniel.

mother’s day | recipe + diy

Hey there!


I can’t even begin to describe how grateful I am to have a mom like I do. She’s my shoulder to cry on and pillar of strength when I am weak. She sees me at my best and my worst but loves the same. She continually puts everyone else’s needs in front of her own. Thanks for all the laughs, cries, adventures & snuggles mama bear. I love you beyond words. You are beautiful, brave and strong & the best example of a Proverbs 31 woman.

“She is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs without fear of the future. When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness”

It’s Mother’s Day (and in case you forgot I am officially your lifesaver). On the blog today I’ll be sharing a really easy recipe for pancakes + a diy-scrub for you to make for your mum. The best part is you will most likely have these ingredients lying around the house which means you can whip them up real quick if you’re in a rush to find something to give to your mama.

Let me know if you try any of these things out!

/// Pancakes



For the pancakes you will need:

1 cup self raising flour

2 tablespoons sugar

1 large egg

3/4 cup milk

3 tablespoons plain yogurt

Step 1:

Place the flour into a mixing bowl. Stir in the sugar. Make a dip in the centre.

Mix together the egg and milk.

Step 2:

Pour the milk mixture into the flour.

Add the yoghurt and stir with a rubber spatula until you have a smooth batter.

Step 3:

Melt the coconut oil / butter in a frying pan. Add about 2 spoonfuls of batter.

Cook for about 2 minutes, until bubbles appear on top of the pancake and the underneath is golden. Flip each pancake over for another minute.

Repeat with the rest of the batter. Add a little more coconut oil / butter when the pan looks dry.

Step 4:

Serve the pancakes with any topping of your choice.


My go-to topping is cinnamon, sugar & lemon, but you could try anything – banana + honey, chocolate sauce or berries + syrup.

/// DIY



For the scrub you will need:

1 cup sugar

a few drops of an essential oil of your choice – I used Neroli

sqeeze of lemon

For the bath you will need:

warm water to fill the large dish

1 sprig rosemary

remainder of lemon

flower petals

Step 1:

Place the sugar into the mixing bowl. Add a few drops of essential oil.

Step 2:

Cut your lemon in half + squeeze juice into sugar.

Step 3:

Pick the rosemary leaves off the stem + place into sugar.

Spoon mixture into your serving bowl + set aside.

Step 4:

Fill your dish up with water. Add a few drops of essential oil. Slice + place the remainder of your lemon into the water.

Pick off rosemary leaves and rose petals + place into water.

Step 5:

You’re done!

Get your mama to put her feet up + give her some pampering!


Happy Mother’s Day to every mama out there.

“We love you. It’s just sometimes we don’t know how to say it! Sometimes it just comes out screaming or crying. But the next time your kid screams, you know what they’re really saying is, ‘I love you mom. You’re beautiful.'”

– An Open Letter to Moms from Kid President


Thanks for reading! I really hoped you liked the post! I had such fun photographing, DIYing + cooking!

Special thanks to my mum’s feet + little sister Ruthie – the hands that appeared throughout the post were hers!

As always. be good to yourself.

xo Hannah